San Diego Janitorial ServicesSan Diego Janitorial Services

5 Daily Commercial Cleaning Tips for San Diego Businesses

San Diego is well known for its beauty and healthy lifestyle. Whether you’re working in a small or large office in America’s finest city, it’s important to match that level of quality by maintaining a clean work environment. When it comes to commercial cleaning services in San Diego, Ace Janitorial Services is always your best option. But what about in between visits from the cleaning professionals? Here are 5 daily commercial cleaning tips for your business that everyone within your organization should practice on a daily basis.

  1. Always tidy up at the end of each day. Pretend like you’ve got a client coming in and you want your desk to look clean and organized. After all, a sloppy desk could translate into sloppy work. Wipe off your desk with a damp cloth and remove any coffee rings, food crumbs, or sand from your morning surf left behind.
  2. Leave no trace of snacks at your desk. As many amazing restaurants as there are in San Diego, it can still be challenging to tear yourself away from your computer on a busy day so sometimes eating at your desk is a necessity. Once you’re done, dispose of all wrappers, plates, utensils, etc. This will keep your office more sanitary and avoid any visits from pests.
  3. Wake up and smell the roses. That’s right, not only will flowers create a more fragrant appeal to your office space, but there’s also proof that both flowers and plants can help promote productivity in the workplace. Employees may also care more about their work space and want to keep it presentable.
  4. Clean by example. Sometimes you’ve got to be the one that’s running with the torch (or duster) to get others to follow your lead. Designate a weekly Friday cleanup and send out reminders to the staff to wipe down their desks with disinfectants and clean out the fridge. Believe us, Mondays will be a lot more pleasant when you have a nice clean office to walk into.
  5. Treat your office like it’s your home. As the saying goes, “There’s no place like home.” And we couldn’t agree more. Is your office so clean that you’d actually be willing to spend the night there? Or would you be willing to invite company over? Taking as much pride in your place of business is just as important as your place of residence.

Scheduling regular cleaning services from the experts is key in maintaining a healthy and clean work environment. Professional cleaning services are actually more affordable than you may think. And the less you leave behind for us to do will also help keep the costs down. Our cleaning services go beyond general maintenance and we get down into the deep cleaning that may be unseen by the untrained eye.  Call to schedule an appointment today (858) 270-7004.

The Direct Correlation Between a Clean Office and Productivity

The results from a recent study by the Center for Facilities Research and Co-Sponsored by the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA) found that businesses who do not keep their workplace clean, can have a negative effect (such as distraction) which decreases learning and productivity.

The study (Cleanliness and Learning in Higher Education) was conducted by Jeffrey Campbell, Ph.D. who is the chair of the facilities management program at Brigham Young University. Over 1,400 people participated in the study, and 88 percent reported that concentration, productivity and learning become obstructed while there is:

  • A noticeable amount of dirt and/or floor finish in corners and along walls
  • Base molding has streaks or splashes
  • Surfaces blatantly show dust, dirt, scuffs and fingerprints
  • Lamps are dirty and/or burned out
  • Waste buckets contain old trash and are stained and smelly

How to Clean Hard Water Spots on Glass

Ace Janitorial Services, Inc. recently started cleaning a large brand new building for our client. As you enter the facility they have a beautiful water fountain in front of a glass wall with the company’s logo engraved in the wall. It is the first thing their customer see when they enter their new facility. So needless to say they wanted this glass wall looking great. But by the end of the day it was filled with hard water spots. We were having a difficult time cleaning it and more important our new client was getting increasingly frustrated with the look of their glass wall.

We have always used a lime removers, like CLR, for hard water on glass before. They worked but not great. So I asked around and somebody suggested using “Kaboom.” We have used “Kaboom” before for showers but never for window or glass cleaning. We tried it and it worked great. We sprayed some on the glass and let it sit for a few minutes and wiped it clean. It was incredible how well it worked and how easy it was to remove the spots. Now our client’s entry glass wall looks clean and sparkling each morning which makes our client very happy.

Vacuuming is the Key to Green Cleaning

Vacuuming is the Key to Green Cleaning

By Rob Beckerley
President, Ace Janitorial Services Inc. San Diego Ca

One of the key steps in Green Cleaning is working from the top down. This means starting your cleaning as high as you can and working your way to the floor. This also means that dust, dirt and other particles will fall down into your carpets. The Carpet and Rug Institute of America says Green Cleaning starts with vacuuming. They also say “regular vacuuming can have the largest impact of the air you breathe”.

You want to do a regular vacuuming daily of your high traffic areas. When you do your house or office cleaning you want to do your vacuuming last. However, you want to be using a “green certified vacuum” and preferably one with HEPA (High Efficiency Particular Air) filters. To be a HEPA filter the filters must trap 99.97% of particles. So those of you with allergies these vacuums can help your breathing.

Also proper vacuuming is a key to true Green Cleaning. As mentioned in my “Magic Vacuum” article, proper vacuuming consists of going over an area continually. We suggest using slow front to back motions with 3-4 passes when you vacuuming. A quick pass of a vacuum cleaner will not remove all the dust, dirt and particles. Also, use your crevice tools at least weekly to get along the edges and in the corners where vacuum can’t reach.

Ace Janitorial Services, Inc. have implemented these Green Cleaning techniques into our regular cleaning for our San Diego customers. We use the very best vacuums all with HEPA filters so that our San Diego customers can breathe freely.

Best Vacuum To Use For Home & Office Carpets

Magic Vacuum

By Rob Beckerley

President of Ace Janitorial Services, Inc.

Home of Ace Janitorial Co. and Ace Carpet Cleaning Company

Ace Janitorial Services, Inc. has been serving San Diego County for 12 years now.  In my time I am often asked by clients to give a recommendation of a good vacuum cleaner.  Often the complaint about their current vacuum is it doesn’t pick up everything on the first pass over the debris.

In our 12 years in the janitorial business we have tried and used many vacuums.  We have used many brands from  Sanitaire, Power Flites, Pro-Team ,Netflisk and more. We have used many kinds of upright and back pack vacuums and unfortunately none of them pick up everything on the first pass. So, is there really a “best vacuum?” 

Vacuuming, like many areas in cleaning, are only as good as the operator.  To thoroughly vacuum your home or office you need vacuum heavy soiled areas over and over until it comes clean.  We in the janitorial world have searched for the magic vacuum to help increase efficiency in our cleaning process but have yet to find it.  Hard work and attention to detail by the janitorial staff is what will keep your office and home looking good.

For homes we prefer the Dyson brand vacuums.  They are easy to operate and maintain.  It is important to empty the debris bin or bag regularly no matter what vacuum you use.  This will help keep good suction.  Also, periodically check hoses and brushes for debris.

For offices we suggest Sanitaire uprights with a dirt cup (bagless) and with 50 foot cords and plastic.  They have a solid industrial style vacuums, as well as easy to use and maintain.

If you are tired of vacuuming your office or if your office is not being vacuumed or cleaned properly contact Ace Janitorial Services, Inc. today!

How To Effectively Clean Carpets in San Diego

Just Water = Clean Carpets?  Don’t Believe It

By Rob Beckerley

President, Ace Janitorial Services, Inc.

Home of Ace Janitorial Company and Ace Carpet Cleaning Company


As I drive around San Diego to do janitorial service bids and check on carpet cleaning jobs, I find it fascinating to listen to any of my competitors ads that run on the radio.  The current ad on heavy rotation locally here in San Diego promises to clean your carpets with water and water only.  Although they try to sell this concept to the best of their ability it just doesn’t wash.


First, let’s think about our everyday lives.  Would you wash your hands with just water?  Your hair?  Your face?  No, of course not, we all use soap to get and feel clean.  What about your dishes?  Your clothes?  Again, the answer is NO.  We all use detergents and soaps to clean  our dishes, clothes and more.  Hot water itself is just not enough.


Now let’s think about your carpets.  Carpets are usually the dirtiest thing in your house.  It is where all the dust, dirt and food falls and ends up on or in.  It is continually walked on with shoes and feet, usually the dirtiest part of your body or attire.  Above we thought about things in our life that we clean with soap or detergents daily or after any use, but carpets are much dirtier than anything else in our home and we only clean them once or twice a year.


So something as dirty as carpets that our only cleaned periodically need the help of soaps and detergents to truly get them cleaned.  At Ace Janitorial Services, Inc. we pre-spray your carpet with the best cleaners, then we shampoo them and lastly we steam clean them with a little detergent and hot water.  This process leaves your carpets looking and feeling fresh and clean.  Carpets just like your clothes and dishes and everything else you clean in your life need a little soap and detergent to get them truly clean.

To learn more or get a free quote, Contact Us today!

San Diego Janitorial Companies Get Down & Dirty With Green Cleaning

Green technology is one of the hottest lifestyle trends in the world. Many products and businesses have already undergone new eco-friendly makeovers, so why not expect the same level of quality from commercial janitorial services? San Diego’s coastal location makes it ideal for innovations in environmentally friendly services. For business leaders who care about the environment and the health of their employees, hiring the right janitorial services is a serious decision. While it can seem like choosing a professional green cleaning service is not as important as using eco-friendly electronics or eating organic foods, it can actually lead to a number of valuable benefits for the workplace and the environment.

What separates green janitorial companies like Ace Janitorial Services from traditional cleaning companies from the start is their use of non-toxic products. Most industrial cleaners are loaded with chemicals, toxins and other ingredients that can have a harmful effect on both the environment and the human health. Just because a cleaning crew may be working at night when employees are at home does not necessarily mean that those dangerous fumes and toxins are not going to be around the next day. The truth is that the only way to completely avoid potential health complications from coming in contact with dangerous chemicals on a regular basis is to hire a janitorial company that exclusively uses natural cleaning solutions.

In addition to being dangerous for humans, chemicals that lurk in common cleaners are often toxic to the environment. Waste that contains used cleaning agents can harm wildlife and cause contamination. Most cleaners cause damage over time, but those that are not disposed of properly can have an instant negative effect on the local wildlife. While electronic cleaning equipment is not immediately dangerous to the environment, it can also cause damage in the long run by draining too much energy and contributing to air pollution.

Unlike cleaning companies that use toxic cleaning agents and energy-inefficient equipment, Ace Janitorial Services specializes in green cleaning only use products and equipment that benefit the human health and the environment. In addition to playing a role in preserving the beautiful California coastline, business owners and managers who work with eco-friendly commercial janitorial services create a healthier and a more productive working environment for their employees. Working for a company that cares about its employees and the world they live in encourages people to work harder for a brand they can believe in.

Commercial Cleaners in San Diego Rejoice

The fall came and went without to many storms and now we can look forward to the tireless job of getting sand out of all our office buildings.  The commercial cleaners in San Diego will be glad when sand learns to sweep itself up.

Some Commercial Cleaning Tips and Tricks | Ace Janitorial Services

Here are some quick and simple household cleaning tips for those stubborn cleaning problems.

1. Unwanted cat hair – Use a wet rubber dish washing glove on your hand to rub over surfaces and quickly pick up cat hair.
2. Removing dust from lamp shades – Dusters and vacuum cleaners don’t seem to work on cloth lamp shades. Try using a lint roller all over the shade and the dust will be gone before you know it.
3. Use white Vinegar to clean and refresh your coffee pot. Your coffee will tastes better than ever.
4. Try using baking soda to remove odors from plastic food storage containers. Wash them in hot water with two tablespoons of baking soda.
5. Use rubbing alcohol to remove stubborn price tags from items such as plates and glassware. Use a cotton pad to apply and the sticker and its gooey mess are gone in a snap.

Check back later for more commercial cleaning tips and tricks from Ace Janitorial Company.


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    Ace Janitorial Services prides itself in providing the very best customer service in San Diego. We will return your email or phone call immediately. We are available to our customers in case of emergencies 24 hours a day. When we provide you a quote for your services we will include a customer reference list and our customers will attest to our unmatched customer service.


    4901 Morena Blvd., Suite 907
    San Diego, CA 92117
    Phone: (858) 270-7004
    Fax: (858) 270-7191

    Open Mon - Sun

    Monday: 9am-5pm
    Tuesday: 9am-5pm
    Wednesday: 9am-5pm
    Thursday: 9am-5pm
    Friday: 9am-5pm
    Saturday: Closed
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